[Kafe Aleak] The Beach Boys "Pet Sounds" -
The Beach Boys
"Pet Sounds" (Capitol, 1966)
Animalien soinuak
"Pet Sounds" (The Beach Boys, 1966) diskoa, eta bereziki, "I Just Wasn´t Made fo...

[Kafe Aleak] Baden Powell e Vinicius de Moraes "Os afro-sambas" -
Baden Powell e Vinicius de Moraes
"Os afro-sambas de Baden e Vinicius" (Forma, 1966)
Zaila zait azaltzea zergatik aukerat...

[Kafe Aleak] Sam Cooke with The Soul Stirrers -
Sam Cooke with the Soul Stirrers
"Sam Cooke with the Soul Stirrers" (Specialty, 1964)
Esan gabe doa, erabateko ergonomiaz uztar daitezke ag...

[Kafe Aleak] Bob Diddley "Bo Diddley" -
Bo Diddley
"Bo Diddley" (Chess Records, 1958)
Nire disko bilduman badira, gogora ekartzen dizkidaten une apartak direla eta, arras maite ditudan ha...

[Kafe Aleak] Rafa Berrio "1971" -
Rafael Berrio
"1971" (Warner Music, 2010)
Rafael Berrio, injustizia poetiko hori.
Rafa Berriorekin sekulako injustizia poetikoa egin da beharbada. Esan ...