Zer dakite europarrek Donostiaz?
Badakigu, Europako Kultura Hiriburuetako bat Donostia izango da 2016 urtean. ZuZeun galdeketa txikia egin dugu albiste honek Europan izan duen oihartzunaz. Horrez gain, Donostiari buruz zer dakiten galdetu dugu.
Hiru galdera plazaratu ditugu:
- 1. Ba al dakizu Donostia 2016ko Europako Kultura Hiriburu izendatu dutela?
- 2. Inoiz entzun al duzu Donostia hiriaz?
- 3. Zer datorkizu burura Donostiaz galdetzean?
Galdetutako europarren artean hondartza, futbola eta txirrindularitza dira gehien errepikatu diren kontzeptuak. Baina, horrez gain, txipiroiak saltsan eta Done Jakue Bidea ere aipatu dira! Hori bai, izendapenaren albistea ezezaguna izan da guztientzat.
Erantzunak ahalik eta leialen mantentze aldera jatorrizko hizkuntzan utzi ditugu, ingelesez. Belztu egin ditugu erantzunetatik ateratako hitz gakoak.
S. Lehrner (Austria)
1. no
2. yes, I’ve been there and it was beautiful!!
3. nice beach in the middle of the city with this little island in front of it..there’s a castle on it or smething like that, isn’t it? and it’s a very nice city, with a lot of bars and restaurants at the bay! that’s all I know I’ve been there in 2008, just for some days because we were on a road trip at the atlantic (france and spain).
R. van Lier (Belgika)
1. No
2. Yes, i only know it from the ‘Classica San Sebastian‘
3. nothing, except that there’s a cycling race every year.
N. van den Heuvel (Herbehereak)
1. no
2. I heard you can surf there really nice!
3. The beaches are beautiful.
J. Wittauer (Austria)
1. no
2. i do not know much, it is in the basque country, that was pretty much it.
3. ah and I think I remember that xabi alonso is from there???
L. Hagen Petersen (Danimarka)
1. No. Sorry. The whole “Capital of Culture”-thing (no matter what city it might be) doesnt get a lot of of attention in European media.
2. It’s a Basque city and it has a pretty famous bike race. I also know that you can walk like a pilgrim from San Sebastian to Santiago.
3. That I would like to go there!
L. Rooijakkers (Herbehereak)
1. No. I didn’t read or hear a single thing about it in Dutch media (so far).
2 and 3. I haven’t been there, but as far as I know it seems to be a lovely city. Family, friends and acquintences of me who’ve been there were quite enthusiastic about it. And obviously I know about the Classica San Sebastian. One day I would like to visit, but there are other places that are higher on my wishlist now.
J. Truchanowicz (Polonia)
1. No, I didn’t.
2. I know it is in the north, very close to France. My cousin is living there, but I’ve never been there.
D. Fenech (Malta)
1. No, I didn’t know San Sebastián was named European Capital of Cuture 2016.
2. I know about the bike race and that it’s a coastal city in the Basque country.
3. I know Xabi Alonso was raised there and I think Mikel Arteta is from there too. I’m not sure if this is directly in San Sebastian but I remember being told squid in ink is best in the Basque country.
S. Lambrechts (Belgika)
1. No I didn’t, but that’s good news!
2. Yes, I was there to surf.
3. I think it’s a nice city but the people weren’t that friendly… Nice beach though!!!!
C. Pueschel (Alemania)
1. no
2. no
3. warm weather, a white chapel, wine, guitar players (… but those are true for all spanish cities really…)
H. Liebel (Austria)
1. no
2. The Austrian Dietmar Kuehbauer played for Real Sociedad, and of course I know Real Sociedad
A. van der Pols (Herbehereak)
1. no
2. no, just a crazy girl that lives there
3. sounds exotic and beautiful. Relaxed lifestyle, red wine nice scenery.
M. Mähkä (Finlandia)
1. No
2. No
3. I associate it with the sophisticated, relaxed place with maybe a long history, the sea nearby…
D. Freud (Austria)
1. No
2. No
3. San Sebastian sounds like a very nice little town in the Mediterranean, with a small church on a hill, view over the sea and a couple of white houses.
Ez dezagun txilborrera gehiegi begira… zer dakigu guk Wroclaw hiriaz?
Donostia izendatu izanak garrantzia dauka, baina esango nuke barrura begira daukala kanpora baino, batez ere erreakzioak ikusita. Ondo etorriko zaio Donostiari eta ondo etorriko zaigu eskaldunoi. Hortik aurrera, kitto. Dirua xahutzeko txepelkeria galanta da ekimena, gaur egun erakundeek gustuko duten horietako bat, baina oraingoan pagotxa guri tokatu zaigunez, bada, ondo, pozik egon behar. Eta, Jonek dioenez, zer dakigu Wroclaw hiriaz? Polonian dagoela besterik ez dakit nik, hain zuzen, aurreko batean komunikabideetan esan zutelako; bestela, jai izango zuen ezjakin honek. Egia esatera, ez dakit zein diren aurtengo hiriburuak, ezta datorren urtekoak ere… Eta iaz?
Zurekin bat nator, Gonzalo. Imagina ezazue zenbaterainoko garrantzia duen Europako Kultur HHiriburu izateak azken 5 urteetako kultur hiriburu bat ere aipatzeko gai ez bagara. Etxean kristoren festa egin/egingo dugu, hori bai, baina kanpoan, zenbaterainoko ohiartzuna izango du?
Gauza bat garbi dago: txirrindularitza dela gure herriaren esportazio-ikurrik behinena. Sukaldariak baino gehiago sobra ere!
Wroclaw gure hiriburukideak Breslau du jatorrian. Silesiako hira Bigarren Mundu Gerra bukatu ostean poloniartu zen azkenekoz, alemanak handik egotzi zituztenean. ikus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wroc%C5%82aw