CHANGE.ORG euskaratzeko kanpaina aldarrikapenak bideratzeko erakundea da. “zerbait” aldatzeko helburuaz, sinadurak biltzeaz arduratzen da. Sinadura horiek, “aldatzeko gaitasuna” duten pertsona edo erakundeetara bideratzen dira.
(change hitzak, hain zuzen, ingelesez “aldatu” esan nahi du).
Duela gutxi, Apple-ek bere produktuak euskaraz eskaini ditzan kanpaina egin zuen, 27.000 sinadura bildu eta Apple-en arduradunei bidali zielarik.
Bada, oihartzuna izan duen erakunde honek (, bere webgunea hainbat hizkuntzatan eskaintzen du (14 guztira, eta tokian tokiko aldaerak kontuan hartuz, 20).
- Euskaraz, beraz, ez du eskaintzen. Abian jarri dugun kanpaina zuzendua dago. Euren webgunea euskaratzea eskatzen diogu.
- Euskaratze hori profesional edo kolaboratzaileen bidez egin daiteke (edo biak batera).
Jakin dakigunez, Euskal Herrian aldarrikapen ugari egiten ditugu eta herri-ekimena gure herrian bizia eta indartsua da (agerikoak diren aldagaiengatik).
Hurrengo eskutitza arduradunei helarazi nahi diegu sinadurekin batera:
Dear sir/madam:
First of all, I would like to thank for you work at really makes a difference in lots of issues. The idea developed in your organisation is great and offers a powerful tool that really helps bringing justice and solutions in so many affairs.
I’m writing you from the Basque Country. The Basque Country is an area located between France and Spain, but it’s not recognized as an independent country, although the region is called “Country”. One of its most recognizable characteristic is it’s language. Basque is an ancient language (it’s believed it’s one of the few surviving pre-Indo-European languages in Europe, and the only one in Western Europe), and it’s currently spoken by almost one million people both in Spanish and French Basque areas.
Basque People are well-know for their struggle to keep alive it’s culture, language and traditions. One of the most signficant achievements is precisely to keep Basque language alive. Basque language is a minority-language in it’s own area (due to many historical reasons), but it’s making gains. It’s currently widely used on the internet. International organisation such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Wikipedia… offer their products in Basque language. Basque people use it in every-day-life and on the internet.
I reckon’s goal is to reach as many people as possible and has an humanistic view. That’s why we are using the very tools and ask to make Basque language available in it’s own webpage.
Many software tools have been translated for free (specially free software), as there’re volunteers willing to do so. I’m sure Basque speakers would greatly thank your interest and support, and help in the translating process.
Yours faithfully,
Basque speakers community.
Sinatu mesedez, hemen klik eginez.