Herioa ate joka hasi zenekoa -
Jakin nahi ez genuena badakigu dagoeneko, ez gara unibertsoaren erdigunea, inork ez gaitu sortu, inork ez gaitu zaintzen, gutariko bakoitza soilik une batez biziko ...
Summer's hastening on
i'm trying to get a feeling from the city
but i've been unfaithful
i've been travelling abroad
we've got a fantasy affair
we didn't get wet, we didn't dare
our aspiration...
Kill the headlights
And put it in neutral
Stock car flaming' with a loser
And the cruise control
Baby's in Reno with the vitamin D
Got a couple of couches,
Sleep on the love seat...
In a smoke filled room
With your father watching me
There's three doors and no keys
It''s rising, it's choking me (Daughterek kantatua)...
Gaur beti bezala, euria ari du hemen
Eta denok estalita goaz belarritaraino
Salda pixkat da behar duguna
Goazen Txatora
Edo hobe hire etxera, lasai egitera. (K.Elejalde, Hertzainakek a...
Herriko plazan,
Bazkalosteko kanta
Zakurraren zaunka (Karmele Jaio, Sagarroiri entzuna)...
Now the way I feel little like a robin
Whose babes have flown to come no more
Like a tall oak tree alone and crying
When the babes have flown and the nest is bare (Jonathan Wilsoni aditua)
The trees are the sappiest
The days are the nappiest
The dogs are the yappiest
The kids are the scrappiest
The jokes the snappiest
The folks the happiest
Way back home (Bob Crosby)...
Hel nadinean,
Elhaketan, erhogoan,
Eznun dostatzen,
Eznun mintzatzen,
Hi beti, beti, aut gogoan. (A. Oihenart, Imanol Epeldek kantatuta)
Hey you ! out there in the cold
Getting lonely, getting old, can you feel me
Hey you ! Standing in the aisles
With itchy feet and fading smiles, can you feel me
Hey you ! don't help th...
Sentitzen dut ez dudala ezertan asmatu,
denak ihes egin didala konturatu baino lehenago.
Baina ez naiz gaizki sentitzen,
adore bitxi batek bultzatzen nau
bizitzaren alde topa egitera. ...
You don't have to take it from me
But I know what I spake
You think you're like iron and steel
But iron and steel will bend and break
In those Complicated Shadows (Elvis Costelo)...
Como una noche de invierno en Noruega
Un manto de escarcha,
Un corazon desnudo, tortura de vida.
No me dejes solo que ahora soy tan pequeño
y cuando despierto de una pesadilla nada ca...
Ez etortzeko
Alicia atrapatu dutela azken enboskadan
eta Felix ez dela iritsi hitzordura
Haritz ez dela gehiago itzuli (Jon Benito, Lou Topeteri entzuna)...
Nada ni nadie puede impedir que sufran,
que las agujas avancen en el reloj,
que decidan por ellos, que se equivoquen,
que crezcan y que un dia
nos digan adios. (Joan Manuel Serratek ka...
Now they'd come so far and they'd waited so long
Just to end up caught in a dream where everything goes wrong
Where the dark of night holds back the light of day
And you've gotta stand an...
Yo soy rebelde
Porque siempre sin razon
Me negaron todo aquello que pedi
Y me dieron solamente incomprension (M.Alejandro, Janettek kantatuta)
You keep playin' when you shouldn't be playin'
And you keep thinkin' that you'll never get burnt
Well, I've just found me a brand new box of matches
And what he knows you ain't time to ...
Jaialdi bat zuten Nevadako euskal-etxekoek
Peio kantaria oso kezkatua ikusi nuen
Laguna galdu zuen, beraz hasi ginen Pantxo Villa
Herria miatu eta Jota Jota Cale han zegoen. (Txomin Artol...
Soy un chico de familia
y no soy ninguna carlito
Vivi las tumbas de la vida
soy un poeta maldito (Andres Calamarori entzundakoa)...
Gure baita datza eguzkia
iluna eta izotza
urratu dezakeen argi
urtuko duen bihotza. (JA. Artze, Mikel Laboak kantatuta)...
I'm going to Wichita
Far from this opera for evermore
I'm gonna work the straw
Make the sweat drip out of every pore
And I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding
Right before ...
I was at Franklin Roosevelt's side on the night before he died.
He said, "One world must come out of World War Two" (ah, the fool)
"Yankee, Russian, white or tan," he said, "A man is still a...
Ez diren gauzak dira ederrenak,
Aukera guztiak dira libre
Don't think twice, it's allright (K.Alonso, I.Bilbao eta G.Bilbao, Ama Sayri entzuna)
Just a perfect day
problems all left alone
Weekenders on our own
it's such fun (Lou Reedek kantatuta, gaur The Jolly Boysen bertsioakin banabil ere)...