Argazki barregarri eta dibertigarriak

Argazki barregarri eta dibertigarriak –

Argazki bitxi, harrigarri eta dibertigarriak noizean behin ondo datozkigu irribarre egiteko.
Ea ze iruditzen zaizkizun hauek:

Gato Divertido Con Sonrisa En La Cartulina Que Se Sienta Cerca De La Comida Foto de archivo - Imagen de papel, plato: 110607508

Katuek ez dute irribarrerik egiten. Ba jarri diezaiogun bat zuzenean!

Social media users from around the world have been sharing their clever DIY fixes to problems you probably would never have thought of, with Bored Panda rounding up a gallery of most humorous (pictured, one person fixed a steering wheel to a bike in Poland)

Heldulekua (manillar) falta bazaizu, ez arduratu, bolante batekin ondo moldatuko zara.

A Covid-safe letter! This person took matters into their own hands and decided to close their envelope with a plaster instead of licking it to seal it

Tiritak ez dira bakarrik zauriak babesteko.


Another person, who was missing a wheel on their van, put a pallet trolley in its place to allow the vehicle to keep moving along the road

Gurpila galdu baduzu, tresna horrekin aurrera egingo duzu.

These people, believed to be from the US, created a solution to having two sofas in one room and built a platform so they could have the two and allow more people to watch together

Bi sofa, bakoitza maila batean. Espazioa irabazteko, primerako ideia!

No bathtub? No problem! One snap shows a woman taking matters into her own hands and climbing into a plastic tub after someone bought her a bath bomb and she had no way of using it with only a shower in her home

Dutxa ordez, bainua hartu nahi baduzu eta aldi berean ura aurreztu, egizu neska honek bezala.

Images also show people taking matters into their own hands and creating swimming pools out of old boats complete with a ledge to relax at the side

Itsasontzia ezin bada uretan egon, egon gaitezen uretan itsasontzian!



Among the snaps is a smart way to stop tools falling into the sea while working on a boat, as two men fix an upside down umbrella to the vessel

Kontuz torlojuak jartzean, jausi daitezke! Ez dago arazorik, euritakoak babestuko ditu.

Some clever people from the US took matters into their own hands and attached a makeshift washing machine to the tyre of their mobile home so they could wash clothes

Gidatu eta garbitu… aldi berean! Ze azkarra den hau asmatu zuena, ee? Zentrifugatua merke-merke oraingo elektrizitate faktura garestiari aurre egiteko.

© Brigitte Alcalay Marcon/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020

Jirafa honek argazkian atera nahi zuen, bai ala bai.

