Financial Times egunkariak presoak Euskal Herrira hurbiltzea eta ezker abertzalearen legalizazioa gomendatu du editorial batean
Nazioartean ETAk BBC telebista kateari emandako bideoan esandakoak nazioartean hautsak harrotu ditu. Gaur goizean argitaratu du bere web gunean gaiaren inguruko editorial bat FT egunkari ezagunak.
Bertan erakunde armatuaren su etenaren iragarpenaren aurrean presoak hurbiltzea eta ezker abertzalea legalizatzea begi onez ikusten ditu egunkariak. “Su eten iraunkorrarekin eta Mitchell printzipioen onarpenarekin alderdi politikoa legalizatu behar da”, dio testuak. Bai sakabanaketa eta bai ilegalizazioa ETAri indarra emateko tresna bezala ikusten ditu FTk.
Hona hemen testuko bi paragrafo esaguratsuenak (Ingelesez):
It is right to criminalise all terrorism and violence. But it is less helpful – and ultimately self-defeating – to criminalise the expression of a political opinion. The political manifestation of Basque separatism, Batasuna, has been illegal since 2003, when it was caught channelling public money into Eta’s pockets. If the party commits itself and Eta to a permanent ceasefire, ideally within the framework of the Mitchell principles used to bring about peace in Northern Ireland, this ban should be lifted. Prolonging it only props up Eta’s dwindling support.
The second grievance is that etarras are sent to prisons across Spain, far from their families in the Basque country. This perceived injustice is a money-spinner for Eta’s fundraisers. Returning the prisoners to Basque country jails would remove it.