2.010eko Pulitzer sarien irabazleak.


“River rescue in downtown Des Moines: A woman is pulled from near the Center Street dam by construction worker Jason Oglesbee on Tuesday. A man who was with the unidentified woman died in the Des Moines River. A rescue team from the Des Moines Fire Department tried several times to rescue the woman but could not get close enough to her. Published July 1, 2009”

Honako hau da “Breaking News Photography”  saileko argazki  irabazlea;  Des Moines Register egunkarirako Mari Chind-ek ateratakoa.

Hemen dituzue gainontzeko irabazleak.

Irudia | Des Moines-en erreka erreskatea. | Mari Chind | LGPL

MILA HITZ - Freelance argazkilaria. BostokPhoto egitasmoan buru belarri nabil. EuskalHerriko Informatzaile Grafikoen Elkarteko kidea.

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